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PostPosted: Fri May 12, 2006 2:08 pm    Post subject:

I recently dreamed that John Sheppard was turning into some kind of reptillian humanoid. In my dream, his hair had almost fallen out, his skin was turning very pale, and he'd grown a rather short ridge down the middle of his head. (Maybe an inch high.)



-Sheppard was understandably upset over this, but the transformation WASN'T making him act weird.
-The transformation was apparently going to take six months to complete. (Very reasonable.)
-He wasn't growing or losing inordinate appendages.
-His teeth weren't doing anything.

In other words, it was a reasonable sci-fi transformation. Ah, the transformation of my dreams!
PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 9:12 pm    Post subject:

That's kinda what I've been doing with this thread. Wink
PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 2:08 pm    Post subject:

Have any of you strange dream people considered keeping a journal of all your strange dreams? I've been doing so since I was fourteen. I kept them in a private journal at first, but recently I've been posting them in a blog. They are so fun to look back on.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 8:17 am    Post subject:

Last night, I was having all manner of strange dreams. Most notably, however, were two events.

-There was a knocking at our door. I looked outside the window; Rodney McKay was standing on the porch, where he was apparently psychokinetically knocking on the door. I opened it, let him in, and asked him in all seriousness if his head was hurting yet.

-This little mushroom (size and shape) man had set up some kind of stand where he was selling poisonous mushrooms for some reason. This turned out to be an adventure game, so for the heck of it I'd ended up having the hero eat one of these poisonous mushrooms to see what would happen. So, what ends up happening, is that the hero, who looks an awful lot like Joe Flanigan, turns into a little mushroom-guy himself. He eventually turned back, though he kept having these weird mushroom-guy tendancies. Which included making quack-like sounds a lot. (Oh, laugh your pants off, Janette.) All in all, it turned out to be the longest cutscene I think I've ever seen in my life.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 8:26 am    Post subject:

Well, I was having a pretty loopy dream. As it started out, I was my blue-skinned Internet avatar self.

-Firstly I won 10,000 dollars from a slot machine.
-Next thing, I had my camera in my purse and I was outside at night. Nothing to photograph at night, of course - I was waiting for it to get light - but I do remember hearing chickens high up in the trees...
-No longer my blue-skinned alter-ego. I'd made my way to my grandmother's, sometime after the sun rose. She offered to drive me home... all, what, eighth a mile of it?
-Stuff happened. Next thing I knew, I was at some fancy save-the-lions fundraiser party with my family. They had these really cool chocolates in assorted flavors. I went for the rose-flavored one.
-They had a cabana boy. Don't ask.
-Gilbert Gottfried was there. I was talking to him, and somehow or another, we ended up going outside. I spotted a bunch of fireflies - "I thought fireflies only lived in southern areas," I'd remarked. We approached the fireflies. For some reason, we ended up walking... who knew where?
-Somehow or another, me and Mr. Gottfried ended up in a train station in... Russia? Some Slavic country, anyhow. Thanks to his diminutive size, he managed to hide from some kind of inspector. Me, being an innocuous-looking female, was not an issue. I remarked to Gottfried that that was why short guys were cool.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 8:26 pm    Post subject:

Ok, I'm happy to know I'm not the only one who has strange dreams. I post my dreams in my myspace blog mostly, though. And I have a couple of other dream journals from before.

My theory on dreams is that they are a way of telling you what's on your mind. If you watched Aladdin the night before and are worried about your history test, you might have a dream that Jafar is your history teacher.

One of the recurring nightmares I have is forgetting to get dressed. Then the rest of the dream is spent looking for clothes and trying to keep from being seen.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 7:17 pm    Post subject:

You are such a dork...

-Night before last, I was dreaming that John Sheppard was the child of two water-elementals. Water-elemental-whats, I don't know. I also remember seeing snails in the grass on an alien planet. I think Worf was there.

-Last night, I dreamed that Dr. Weir had gotten a bit wraithed. She'd gone a little gray at the fringes.
Janette Morgan
PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 1:13 pm    Post subject:

At this point, if I'm not already dead, I doubt anything like that's going to put me that way.

Now I really don't need to watch the movie. I found a Waterworld fanfiction on (possibly the only one on the Internet!) and now have a pretty good idea of how much of the movie worked.

This gave me an interesting idea: What if Atlantis were blown to pieces? (Probably because Kavanaugh tried to build a propulsion system.) Dr. Morgan would be in her lab with all her potted plants, floating around at weird angles. Give her laptop batteries 6-10 hours to run out, and the sign will go up: "Will Trade Dirt for Paper". It's amazing how fast things decline.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 9:03 am    Post subject:

Yes, m'dear, you are crazy. Why don't ya just sit down and watch the movie? It's not going to kill you... too hard.
Janette Morgan
PostPosted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 8:12 pm    Post subject:

I thought the proper use for a vacuum wand was to play croquet with frozen onions.

Have you ever dreamt of the same subject for nights on end? All I'd seen of Waterworld was a few brief scenes, and I found myself dreaming about it three days straight. Why? Because the Mariner has gills. GILLS! Three days straight and I never dreamt of seeing them! (Which is, I suspect, why I kept dreaming about it).

Finally, I broke for one night, then dreamt about it again, and this time I saw the gills. (Which, being a dream, weren't that impressive.) I realized at the same time that Kevin Costner has a fat (Pescado slang for large) head. I dreamt I woke up and told Syera about that particular epiphany. Then I did wake up, and found out it was six o'clock and she was still in bed.

I couldn't sleep. Here's the reason: I've been wanting to determine where a person could actually keep gills large enough to provide adequate oxygen (besides the sides of the torso, which IMO are too far away from the heart), and I wanted to see the Mariner's gills first. However, I didn't want to watch Waterworld, which I would have had to have done to find the scene where they can be seen, so I had to wait four days to dream that I saw them. (This may seem rather crazy, but it gave me a mental image to work with which was adequate.) So there I was, six o'clock in the morning and I couldn't sleep because I wanted to work but I couldn't work because I had to sleep.

Maybe I am a bit crazy.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 11:29 am    Post subject:

Later on, Robin Williams was vacuuming our kitchen floor with the vacuum wand. I think he felt sorry for knocking over the Ferris wheel.

...Is that typical of men? Don't know how to vacuum a kitchen floor properly? Very Happy
PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 11:18 am    Post subject:

Laughing That had to be one heck of a sneeze or one unstable ferris wheel
PostPosted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 8:54 am    Post subject:

Okay, now...

I was dreaming we had a bunch of carnival rides in our yard. The most notable of these was a Ferris wheel. (The regular type; not the gondola type.)

Well, I remember wondering to myself what might happen if that Ferris wheel fell over. And guess what? It did. It fell right over. Thank goodness it happened to fall to the north; south would've been disasterous.

Well, I wanna know why it fell, so I start looking for the person who did it. Finally, I find the guy responsible for the falling Ferris. It's none other than...

(Insert drumroll...)

Robin Williams.

Meanwhile, apparently thanks to the Ferris wheel accident, the guys who own the carnival rides decide we shouldn't have them any longer, and pack 'em up. I'm trying to get it out of Mr. Williams why he knocked over the Ferris wheel - and HOW.

It turns out that he sneezed on it. Because part of it was pink. Yep, part of the Ferris wheel was pink, and the sight of that made him sneeze hard enough the wheel was knocked down.

Poor Ferris wheel... it was rather bent and dented!
PostPosted: Sun Feb 19, 2006 9:54 am    Post subject:

Okay, Janette...

Weirdly enough, this dream was set in our house. The house we have now. Not the house we had before, not the house we just prepared for burnination... this one.

At some early point, Aunt B.K. and our mother were outside conversing - I think about art. I was explaining to them how, back in the rennaisance, an artist's quality not only depended on his ability to create the human figure, but also what kind of colors he could make to paint his creation. Somehow, the topic got turned to the kind of events that happen around Jan. 17th, and she started talking about a UFO hoax that happened by this beach.

So I meandered off to this beach (!) to see where this hoax had taken place. Suddenly, this flying vehicle comes by, and there are all these partiers in it. (Heh... flying party.) I go back to the house, tell 'em what I saw... and tell them that I don't want to see a bunch of flying ravers again. Because, you know, that was kind of disturbing.

And now... into the house!

The Fenton family was there, yes they were.

And Aunt T. and Cousin K. Odd combination, huh? I remember K. and T. had this box of hair cuttings they were brushing out - they were going to donate it or something. I don't know what the Fentons were working on, but they were doing it on the dining room table, whatever it was. It involved electronics.

I remember Danny fooling around with the piano, and at some later point I explained to him exactly Why I Don't Like Football. Later, I found a CD that somebody had stuck the Your World As I See it videos on, so I took it to our room to watch.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 12:07 am    Post subject:

Janette Morgan wrote:
Oh! So I'm just your sidekick. I can't slice the jugular myself, I have to give you the weapon. Hmph.

Not at all, deary. It was just that you were near where the caseknives were; I at the time had the bugger by the proverbial horns. 'Twas logic. Now, if you'd had a loaded gun, I would've expected you to shoot it yourself. But you didn't have a gun, least of all a gun with bullets... so, draw the logical conclusion.

Beat that, Syera. Twisted Evil

I'll try, m'dear. I'll try. Razz

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