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PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 11:39 pm    Post subject:

I'd be willing to pitch in! I don't have much cash, but I'm willing to help out any way I can! Smile
PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 9:48 pm    Post subject:

Calluna wrote:
No, it's just that I took it seriously two years ago and got seriously dissapointed. If we had enough people who were willing to actually work to plan it and aren't going to be too busy or poor to go and who are either old enough to go alone or whose parents will let them (since we tend to skew a bit younger than the Gargoyles fans...).

Last time around I was in charge of promotion, but I never got to do a thing because no one else did anything and there was never anything definite to promote. Confused

Oooooh yeah. I remember that now. That was supposed to happen this summer or something like that, right? I think I was one of the ones who said something about being too young or something. To be honest, I was intimated because all you guys at the old Pub were 20 and up and I was 16 at the time, I believe. I would have felt weird I guess. I'm 18 now, and I feel better about the whole thing because I have grown. *continues to play with dolls*

I'd honestly save up and go to an Aladdin convention. I'd help, but how can I help? There's so much to do and plan and *pulls hair* Shocked
PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 8:59 pm    Post subject:

No, it's just that I took it seriously two years ago and got seriously dissapointed. If we had enough people who were willing to actually work to plan it and aren't going to be too busy or poor to go and who are either old enough to go alone or whose parents will let them (since we tend to skew a bit younger than the Gargoyles fans...).

Last time around I was in charge of promotion, but I never got to do a thing because no one else did anything and there was never anything definite to promote. Confused
PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2004 7:42 pm    Post subject:

I was being serious. I really would like to do this.I heard that there was a Hunchback of Nortre Dame convention in Florida.Gargoyles has a very successful convention too. I`m going to find out how a convention works.If things turn out well than it`s going to be in or near New Jersey,because it`s where I live. Very Happy I`m the only one,who takes this seriously. Rolling Eyes Come on guys, let`s spread the joy of Aladdin.Please !!!Crying or Very sad Pretty Please!!!
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 10:56 pm    Post subject:

Sadira wrote:
I`d be willing to help,but I`m not sure about how this works. I think an Aladdin convention would be a great idea.This might show Disney that people still love 2D animation.

Yeah, show the Lion King fans how it's done Laughing
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 8:46 pm    Post subject:

Anaheim, and we can all descend on California Adventure! Very Happy
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 8:41 pm    Post subject:

I`d be willing to help,but I`m not sure about how this works. I think an Aladdin convention would be a great idea.This might show Disney that people still love 2D animation.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 5:36 pm    Post subject:

Nah, I'm just reading too much into it. Razz
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 5:31 pm    Post subject:

Calluna wrote:
Yeah, everyone says that, but no one wants to organize it. And don't look at me; I organize everything. Confused

Oops! Did I hit a sour note or something? *bows and grovels* I'm a worm-a worthless worm!
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 5:07 pm    Post subject:

Yeah, everyone says that, but no one wants to organize it. And don't look at me; I organize everything. Confused
Princess Lydia
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 4:51 pm    Post subject:

I agree an Aladdin contvention would be tons of fun
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 3:14 pm    Post subject:

We should all meet in Kansas, in the middle of the country. That way, everyone can fly to the center.
Or we could just have it here in Tennessee. Wouldn't you love to see Al and the gang in cowboy hats with country accents?
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 3:07 pm    Post subject:

You are so totally right, and it should be here in Pennsylvania! Just kiddin'::bein' a little selfish::

*Nods* I'm that selfish. I need it in PA too!

...Where in PA are you from?
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 2:19 pm    Post subject:

You are so totally right, and it should be here in Pennsylvania! Just kiddin'::bein' a little selfish::

But I do agree with you on the whole convention idea. I would love to go to it, it would be so much fun!
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 2:18 pm    Post subject:

Ih. What happened to the talks about that, anyway?

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