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PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 7:51 pm    Post subject: Re: Oh, no they didn't!

APK wrote:
Also granted, I understand why no one wants to do an Aladdin or TLK theme. Everyone wants to wear a dress instead of harem pants or something.

I would so wear something like that, and go to the prom if the theme had been Aladdin or something. It'd be something different, cooler. And besides, everybody wears dresses, I'd probably get in the yearbook, or something. And I've always wanted to wear shalwar. I've read they're very comfortable. Hmm, maybe if they do a theme like that for my brother's prom next year, I'll dress like that and go. Maybe I could convince him to take me as his date, as I didn't attend mine.
PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 4:58 pm    Post subject:

Princess, your post inspired me to start a hypothesis concerning a connection between teens and adults who still like to watch animated movies and above-average intelligence. Wink
PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 4:29 pm    Post subject:

Hey, the prom theme from one of my many high schools I attended was "A night of three wishes" and it almost made me want to put on a dress and go Laughing. It was one of the best themes they came up with according to the people who went.
PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 4:25 pm    Post subject:

Just breath, Princess, just breath. Alas, Silly People like that Just Don't Get It, and quite likely they Never Will. Wink
PostPosted: Wed May 24, 2006 4:10 pm    Post subject: Oh, no they didn't!

At school today some of my friends were discussing prom themes. We're not even seniors yet, and it doesn't really matter what theme our prom is because

1. No one ever dresses according to the themes. Everyone just wears regular prom clothes.

2. We don't decorate the prom place according to themes.

3. There is no music, food or activity used to match with themes.

4. Themes are basically useless!

Anyway, this talk over prom and prom themes has been annoying me lately. They obsess over what themes we could possibly have next year but they never decide on anything or think of anything. But what really annoys me is that every other day we have this conversation, and every other day the conversation ends up going nowhere...I was so mad today when someone said, "As long as it's not some stupid Disney theme like Aladdin or TLK."

Shocked Mad Confused Evil or Very Mad

Oh, no she didn't! Granted, this person who said it didn't know the two movies she named were my fandoms, but still! I wouldn't let her talk afterwards. Laughing She looked so confused Laughing

Also granted, I understand why no one wants to do an Aladdin or TLK theme. Everyone wants to wear a dress instead of harem pants or something. But it's the fact that she was implying Disney or Aladdin was stupid that got me angry. Of ALL the movies to name, why did she have to bring Aladdin into it? Laughing She could've said TLM or Great Mouse Detective were stupid themes. I liked both those movies, but she could've mentioned any other movie.

Also, the other girls started on this rant about how lame it would be if we did a

"Stupid Disney theme like Swan Princess."
"Swan Princess is not Disney!! It's Richard Rich!"
"So what. It's one of those."
"At least get the studio right!"

Laughing grr

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