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Dark Rose
PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 11:52 am    Post subject:

AladdinsGenie wrote:
With your family?

Yeah, at least at the moment though
PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 11:51 am    Post subject:

With your family?
Dark Rose
PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 11:46 am    Post subject:

Fucking hell it's happening to me again Crying or Very sad
Edward Falcon
PostPosted: Sun May 03, 2020 9:52 am    Post subject:

Dark Rose wrote:
Edward Falcon wrote:
No, you can never be too old for Aladdin, and whoever says that you can be is an asshole. Like the jerks who have accused me of being a pedophile for still being such a big fan of Jasmine and so many of the other Disney Princesses.

This is my favorite comment since it doesn't tell me to mature (sorry to everyone who said that to me, I just get upset easily) even though there's also an insult to my family, but why would they say something like that over Jasmine? Is it just because she's a young girl?

Not to mention, Jasmine’s age isn’t even mentioned in any officially released stuff, so how do they even know how old she is? How do they know she isn’t in her early 20’s?
PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 12:10 am    Post subject:

Dark Rose wrote:
These are some of my family members you are talking about in the last sentence... Crying or Very sad

This changes nothing I said. My parents thought for the longest that I was clinging to my childhood all because I wasn't letting go of my love for this film as I entered my late teens/early-20s. The worst comments I heard came from them (which hurts way worse than some random person you encounter) up until I worked at Walt Disney World. Suddenly it clicked in place for them that this isn't a stubborn refusal to grow up but a legitimate love for a movie that massively influenced my decision to pursue a college degree in drawing/art (and influenced me as a person but they don't need to know all that Laughing).

Again, anyone that focused on what makes you happy and are being negative about it when what you're doing or what you love is entirely harmless are not satisfied with their own life or interests anymore and are taking it out on you. You can allow that to keep you from what makes you happy in an effort to appease them at the cost of making you miserable, or you can recognize they're the one with the problem here and not let that become your problem, too.

My parents were not happy about where they were in life at the time when I heard those kind of comments from them and understandably they didn't want the same fate for me. But I was not the solution to making them feel better about themselves or finding new interests that gave them a spark of passion back in their lives. I know this sounds harsh, but the sooner you realize this has less to do with you liking Aladdin as a movie or Genie, and more to do with whatever is troubling these people (be that your family, strangers on the internet, randos in person, etc.) the better off you'll be. It took me years to realize this and once you do it's SO freeing.
PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:13 pm    Post subject:

Dark Rose wrote:
This is my favorite comment since it doesn't tell me to mature (sorry to everyone who said that to me, I just get upset easily) even though there's also an insult to my family, but why would they say something like that over Jasmine? Is it just because she's a young girl?

I mean, not losing your child-soul is great (I myself try it hard) but in the end, we kinda have to grow up a little bit at least. I'm 23 myself, I'm an adult now and have responsibilities. Even with that though, I cherish what I have left from childhood and hope to never lose it.

As for why people might think this... sadly with modern culture people assume if you like a character, it might have some sexual stuff involved in. Even I got this comment once when I mentioned I like Ichigo and admitted that I find him quite good looking (even though I like Ichigo as a character, nothing else), but to keep this in terms of Aladdin, I know people in real life would question why I see Genie as a father-figure, since he's fictional plus I do have a father. I know my parents would be quite not happy if I told them this, so I simply learnt to just not tell it to people, unless it seems to be okay to do. Pretty much same for my other interests and personal stuff. Possibly not the best way to handle it, but at the moment this is what I can do.
Dark Rose
PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:06 am    Post subject:

Edward Falcon wrote:
No, you can never be too old for Aladdin, and whoever says that you can be is an asshole. Like the jerks who have accused me of being a pedophile for still being such a big fan of Jasmine and so many of the other Disney Princesses.

This is my favorite comment since it doesn't tell me to mature (sorry to everyone who said that to me, I just get upset easily) even though there's also an insult to my family, but why would they say something like that over Jasmine? Is it just because she's a young girl?
Dark Rose
PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:04 am    Post subject:

AladdinsGenie wrote:
Whenever someone tried to pull the "Disney movies are just for kids" argument, I would bring up George Lucas said the entire Star Wars saga is for/aimed at kids, too, or JK Rowling said the same thing about Harry Potter, and they always got really upset because those are things they still enjoy as adults. In their head they've rationalized that those properties aren't for kids, and thus it's okay to like them/still like them when that's not how interacting with any media works but especially Disney's.

Their animated feature films have always been about appealing to the whole family. Disney has been in this business long enough to know they need everyone on board for a film's initial success and continued success long after its left theaters (and for years to come if they've done their calculations right. Nostalgia is making A LOT of money right now, especially off of us millennials). That's how you end up with an incredibly diverse array of merchandise appealing to kids, adults, and everyone in-between. So don't feel bad for doing literally what Disney wants you to do and has made very sure you're doing once you've connected with one of their films/characters. I mean, just look around the website. You think five year olds are buying $150 ceramic figurines of Cinderella's castle or $300 designer Dooney and Bourke purses of Minnie Mouse? Laughing No way, it's adults and it's honestly weirder that there's still people out there who don't understand this concept all because the medium we're talking about is animation. They don't care if you're 25 years old buying a $10 plush of Ariel or a $10,000 wedding dress inspired by Ariel - as long as you're buying it is the goal. So no, you can't be too old for Disney because Disney has made it so they are with you every step of your life.

I have loads of the expensive Aladdin stuff and I have loads of the cheap Aladdin stuff. Getting in to a debate about which one makes your collection look less "babyish" is a trap because the real answer these people are looking for is you coming to the conclusion you shouldn't be collecting it at all. There are tons of Disney fans out there who have super fancy collections for various movies or characters (I'm always reminded of this one: and I guarantee you they've heard similar comments.

But I can tell you as someone who's possibly older than you that those kind of "tHats fOr bAbiEz aRe yoU a baBy??" comments and insinuations go away the more people mind their own business and start asking themselves what makes THEM happy. Because you'll come to find out those people don't have an answer, and part of why they're on your case about what you like is because it makes them mad you're openly happy about something and they're not. You don't have to justify your love of Aladdin or collection to anyone. Continue doing what makes you feel good and let anyone who's upset about it rot in their own misery with their exclusively adult-aimed movies that clearly aren't doing them any good Laughing

These are some of my family members you are talking about in the last sentence... Crying or Very sad
Edward Falcon
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 8:15 pm    Post subject:

No, you can never be too old for Aladdin, and whoever says that you can be is an asshole. Like the jerks who have accused me of being a pedophile for still being such a big fan of Jasmine and so many of the other Disney Princesses.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 4:39 pm    Post subject:

*mic drop*
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 1:16 am    Post subject:

Whenever someone tried to pull the "Disney movies are just for kids" argument, I would bring up George Lucas said the entire Star Wars saga is for/aimed at kids, too, or JK Rowling said the same thing about Harry Potter, and they always got really upset because those are things they still enjoy as adults. In their head they've rationalized that those properties aren't for kids, and thus it's okay to like them/still like them when that's not how interacting with any media works but especially Disney's.

Their animated feature films have always been about appealing to the whole family. Disney has been in this business long enough to know they need everyone on board for a film's initial success and continued success long after its left theaters (and for years to come if they've done their calculations right. Nostalgia is making A LOT of money right now, especially off of us millennials). That's how you end up with an incredibly diverse array of merchandise appealing to kids, adults, and everyone in-between. So don't feel bad for doing literally what Disney wants you to do and has made very sure you're doing once you've connected with one of their films/characters. I mean, just look around the website. You think five year olds are buying $150 ceramic figurines of Cinderella's castle or $300 designer Dooney and Bourke purses of Minnie Mouse? Laughing No way, it's adults and it's honestly weirder that there's still people out there who don't understand this concept all because the medium we're talking about is animation. They don't care if you're 25 years old buying a $10 plush of Ariel or a $10,000 wedding dress inspired by Ariel - as long as you're buying it is the goal. So no, you can't be too old for Disney because Disney has made it so they are with you every step of your life.

I have loads of the expensive Aladdin stuff and I have loads of the cheap Aladdin stuff. Getting in to a debate about which one makes your collection look less "babyish" is a trap because the real answer these people are looking for is you coming to the conclusion you shouldn't be collecting it at all. There are tons of Disney fans out there who have super fancy collections for various movies or characters (I'm always reminded of this one: and I guarantee you they've heard similar comments.

But I can tell you as someone who's possibly older than you that those kind of "tHats fOr bAbiEz aRe yoU a baBy??" comments and insinuations go away the more people mind their own business and start asking themselves what makes THEM happy. Because you'll come to find out those people don't have an answer, and part of why they're on your case about what you like is because it makes them mad you're openly happy about something and they're not. You don't have to justify your love of Aladdin or collection to anyone. Continue doing what makes you feel good and let anyone who's upset about it rot in their own misery with their exclusively adult-aimed movies that clearly aren't doing them any good Laughing
PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 10:52 am    Post subject:

“There’s no point in being grown up if you can’t be childish sometimes.” - The 4th Doctor

I personally do not care that Aladdin is viewed as a kids flick. I still love it regardless. Same with animation that gets labelled as stupid kids stuff these days. I enjoy them because I find them good and personally I'm glad I got introduced to Aladdin as it had a nice impact on me ever since. I still act as an adult and know well when to stop fooling around. Heck on Discord with friends I do joke and kinda roleplay as if I was a half-genie and none of them have issues with it, cause I know when it's fine to do that.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 11:01 am    Post subject:

I'd say it's #1 target audience is children, but with plenty in there to appease adults. Its appeal is definitely not exclusive to kids.

I say as long as you handle yourself like an adult in life in general, go ham. It's not up to other people to tell you what you are and are not allowed to like!
Dark Rose
PostPosted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 4:03 am    Post subject: Can you ever be too old for Aladdin?

Almost everyday I get harrassed for liking Aladdin in some way, whether someone tells me I can't like it or I find something online that upsets me even if it isn't towards me. I try not to stop loving Aladdin but I get upset very easily. Crying or Very sad I don't see how it's a preschool movie, Aladdin doesn't look at the viewer and say things like, "Do YOU know where the lamp is? Surprised" or something like that.
I'm also wondering about the merchandise because to everyone else 99% of it seems "babyish". While there are collectable items, I think it's perfectly fine to collect items that are aimed at the target audience (books, plushies, etc). I think the target audience is supposed to be 3-12 for this movie/show but I see nothing wrong with it. Is anyone else going through the same thing? And is Aladdin really considered a preschool movie?

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